ISM was developed by Rudi Winter and Ulli Wiesmann professional colleagues and early childhood friends. The idea for ISM originated when they discussed their individual work and were intrigued that they treated similar medical complaints with similar therapeutic intentions yet very different therapeutic methodologies.
In ISM three different yet synergistically acting forms of alternative Medicine are applied within a single treatment session by two therapists:
1 Biomechanical Acupuncture, 2 Traditional Chinese Medicine and 3 Dynamic Manual Interface.
ISM removes connective tissue blockages, regulates energy flow, opens up the microcirculation of blood, increases tissue motility, body fluid viscosity and skeletal mobility.
Brief summary of the individual therapy components …
The three therapy components of ISM (BMA, TCM and DMI) open up the microcirculation and thus improve the nutrient supply as well as the toxin disposal …
ISM treatment events offer a different horizon and possibilities compared to individual treatments in Munich and London.
You can find out more in our lexicon …
Ulli Wiesmann
2 Harley Street
London W1 9PA
Tel +44 7538 78 55 22
Rudi Winter
Orleansstraße 69
81667 Munich
Tel +49 178 209 66 01
The treatments and events of HDF (Homeostatic Dynamic Flow) – Rudi Winter (Osteopathy) and Ulli Wiesmann (Acupuncture) – are particularly suitable for specific pain therapy, rehabilitation medicine, autoimmune as well as functional and organic diseases.
© 2024 HDF • All Rights reserved
Biomechanische Akupunktur ist grundsätzlich
eine moderne Form der Muskelskelettakupunktur.
Die Klassische Akupunktur, als Teil der traditionellen chinesischen Medizin, behandelt nach den therapeutischen Gesetzen innere Organe, in dem sie den Qi-Fluss in ein gesundes Gleichgewicht bringt.
Dynamic Manual Interface ist eine von Frank Lowen entwickelte manuelle Behandlungsmethode.
Die Ursprünge dieser Arbeit stammen aus der Craniosacralen Therapie (Dr. John Upledger) und der Visceralen Osteopathie (Jean-Pierre Barral, DO).
Biomechanical Acupuncture is a modern form of muscular skeletal acupuncture
that delivers a bespoke treament of injured or dysfunctional muscle and connective tissue.
Classical acupuncture, as a part of traditional Chinese medicine, treats internal organs according to therapeutic laws by bringing the flow of Qi into a healthy balance.
Dynamic Manual Interface is a treatment method that has been devised and developed by Frank Lowen.
The foundation of this therapy originates from craniosacral osteopathy (Dr John Upledger) and visceral osteopathy (JP Barral). This strictly manual, non-invasive and gentle treatment method has rather simple premises.