Classical acupuncture, as a part of traditional Chinese medicine, treats internal organs according to therapeutic laws by bringing the flow of Qi into a healthy balance.
The acupuncturist establishes a diagnostic picture of the disharmony pattern affecting a patient’s health by the means of tongue and pulse diagnosis as well as detailed questioning.
Once the disharmony pattern affecting the person has been established specific acupuncture points are chosen to regulate and balance the flow of Qi.
Ulli Wiesmann
2 Harley Street
London W1 9PA
Tel +44 7538 78 55 22
Rudi Winter
Orleansstraße 69
81667 Munich
Tel +49 178 209 66 01
The treatments and events of HDF (Homeostatic Dynamic Flow) – Rudi Winter (Osteopathy) and Ulli Wiesmann (Acupuncture) – are particularly suitable for specific pain therapy, rehabilitation medicine, autoimmune as well as functional and organic diseases.
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