
 C H M S T V


Cellular metabolism is the basis of essential biochemical processes in the body. They take place inside and outside human body cells. Anything the body absorbs needs to be assimilated and transformed and finally eliminated again. These processes enable the creation of energy and the construction of different body components like cellular membranes, nerve and muscle fibres, organ, connective and bone tissue. The body receives energy and building material through different metabolic processes.


In physiology, the term homeostasis describes the maintenance of largely constant conditions in an open system. Homeostasis creates a dynamic balance and is therefore an essential principle for the life support and function of an organism or organ.


In medicine blood circulation of the smallest blood vessels (smaller than 100 micrometers) is called microcirculation


Stress enemy of all biological rhythms
Stress (of all kind i.e. emotional, nutritional, mecanical, toxicological or traumatic nature) supresses the vitality of biological rhythms. The first line of attack in the human body is the vascular system. The pre- and post capillary systems narrows and struggles to achieve its physiological function.


Tension points are small to minute muscle spasms that cause pain originate from strained tissue fibres.
One of the special features of tension points is that can cause referred pain in distant zones of the body. The distant areas may or may not be obviously functionally related.
The term »trigger« refers to exactly such a phenomenon that pain originates in one place and is perceived in a distant aerea of the body.


As a result viscosity in the extra cellular matrix increases, body fluids become sticky and the body‘s internal cleaning system struggles to work properly.

Collagen tissue looses elasticity, thickens and becomes rigid particularly around the nerve ending of the autonomic nervous system. Collagen tissue that undergoes such changes traps body fluids in its immediate environment. Fibrosed collagen binds water. This phenomenon is called structured water, as fluid viscosity is increasing in such tissue environments.

Definition: Viscosity is the gauge for degrees of impeded ability of fluid movement. The opposite of viscosity is fluidity a degree of the ability of t of fluids to flow. The greater the viscosity, the more sticky (less able to flow) a fluid becomes.